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Slowpump Performance Chart
1400 & 2600 PV Series Pumps; PV Direct 12V ONLY
Vertical Lift 1408-12PV 1404-12PV 2603-12PV 2605-12PV 2607-12PV
Feet Meters GPM Watts GPM Watts GPM Watts GPM Watts GPM Watts
160 48 2.5 174
180 54 2.45 197
200 60 1.95 190 2.4 215
240 72 1.92 210 2.3 251
280 84 1.5 198 1.85 2.43 2.2 288
320 96 1.40 227 1.75 2.75
360 108 .87 195 1.35 258
400 120 .88 210 1.3 287
440 132 .65 182 .90 230

LPM = GPM X 3.8. The suction capacity is 20 vertical feet (6m) at sea level; subtract 1 foot for every 1000 feet(1m for every 1000m). This pump CANNOT tolerate dirt. Water MUST be filtered clear. The solar array in PV direct systems must exceed the pump watts by 20% or more. A linear current booster is required to start and run in low light. Accessories include the following: intake strainer/foot valve, inline filter, intake filter/foot valve, spare filter cartridges and dry run switch.

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