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Solar Panel - Uni-Solar® "state of the are" non-glass unbreakable panel provides power even in overcast conditions. Unbreakable components provide protection from hail, wind and foreign object damage. Totally weatherproof, the panel is encapsulated in Dupont Tefzel®.


  • No Thermostats or Humidistats
    SUN-VENT requires no separate controls since the sunlight which creates the heat also activates the fan. Conventional AC fan units require either one or both a thermostat or humidistat to operate.

  • No Fire Risk
    Voltage for the SUN-VENT is only 1-12 volts and cannot create a spark or short-out.

  • No Noise
    The SUN-VENT 's whisper quiet design does not produce any rotating or harmonic noise.

  • No Roof Damage
    The SUN-VENT reduces roof/attic damage by keeping the roof structure cooler and reduces the moisture condensation that compacts insulation.

  • Reduces Operating Costs and Cooling Costs
    The SUN-VENT eliminates electric costs of conventional ventilators and reduces the cost of cooling.

In Summer- The SUN-VENT reduces high temperatures in attic space or building, helping to:

    • remove hot air which transmits heat directly to living space
    • reduce air-conditioning loads up to 30%
    • reduce moisture buildup from internal vents and midday humidity.

In Winter- The SUN-VENT circulates air in the roof area, helping to:

    • balances inside/outside air temperatures to prevent ice buildup on eaves.
    • eliminates moist air from vented in-house air ducts and attic space.

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